Saturday, 5 March 2011

An Open Letter To MY Bank Account

Dear Bank Account,

I know I've promised you many, many, maaaany times that I shall not withdraw, transfer, or auto-debit from you anymore, again, again, over and over again, especially since I'll be taking a huge chunk off u for my Maldives trip, but seriously, I believe something has gotten into me last night.

Seriously Bank Account, it was evil I was possessed or something..I couldn't stop, I wanted to, but it was as if there's a stronger force within me that was not gonna let me go, lingering, pulling me, pushing me, while at the same time whispering its evil intentions until to the point where clicked "purchase" and completed my payment

I didn't know what happened!!!! And when I woke up, I saw that I've made these purchases...

I am seriously not at fault, Bank Account...Like I told you, I was possessed!!! But although I couldn't recall what happened last night, but I know who's behind this...

It's the evil spirit of H&M!!!!!!!!!!

see I told you I didn't lie..even the ad has some demonic agenda in it (serious shopping....)

They are downright evil!!!! Never fail to make me go broke whenever I passed by their store.. And now they are opening more stores??!!! ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (bangs head to the table)

Err, but anyway Bank Account....don't U err..mmm..wanna see my purchases???

(Bats eyelashes)



Nice right????

See, even when I'm possessed, I still have good taste!

(blows nails and imagines the sarcastic stare from Bank Account)

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